Playground Rules

  1. Patrols should be on duty with belts on and buckled. They should be helpful and remind other children of the rules.
  2. There should be no tackling sports, no rough-housing, chicken fights or other fighting. Often what starts as playing ends up in real fighting. Fighting of any type will not be tolerated.
  3. If you are having any problems on the playground, or if you witness someone else in trouble, go to an adult immediately!
  4. Children should be within the boundaries of the playground. They should not be on the Myrtle Avenue side of the Field House. Play only in designated areas.
  5. Speak and listen respectfully to the playground supervisors, other adults, safety patrols and each other.
  6. All games are open to all children as long as they follow the established rules.
  7. Nobody should be snatching hats or other clothing or other people’s personal belongings. Please show respect for each other’s property.
  8. Children should not be standing on swings, twisting, swinging sideways or bumping, throwing swing chains over the top of the bar, or climbing up bars. Such behavior leads to accidents. All children should go in one direction on the monkey bars.
  9. Children should stay out of the leaf piles. The custodians need your help by leaving them alone.
  10. Only a safe number of children should be on the slide at one time. No walking up the slide, or throwing sand on it is allowed. Come down the slide sitting. No pushing or wrestling on the top platform of the slide.
  11. Play touch football and soccer only on designated fields.
  12. Objects should not be thrown onto the tennis courts or nets.
  13. Trees and fences should NOT be climbed.
  14. On the Junior Playground, play kick ball and touch football on the Tulip St. side, or four-square in the back of the building.
  15. NO softballs or hardballs are allowed. Use only tennis or Nerf balls.
  16. NO baseball or softball bats or lacrosse sticks are allowed.
  17. Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times; shirts may not be removed in warm weather; wear warm clothing for cold winter days.
  18. “Manhunt” is NOT allowed.
  19. Avoid mud or puddles when recess is outdoors in wet weather.
  20. Be watchful of the small children on the playground during recess.
  21. Do not throw snowballs.